MS Pain. exe

Harry's side of the story: One time i was watching some hardcore shrekhub (A hot pool threesome with Shrek, Gingy and Pinnochio) when my friend Rob sed "EEYYY LETS DRAW SOME INFLATION FETISH FURRY SHIT AND PUT IT ON TO DEVIANTART TO GET FAMOUS. IT WILL TOTES GO WELL WITH MY FANFICTON" "Awww damn yes son!' I said, being into the shit as well. Unfourtunatley i wrse oosing Windoge XP so i herd to Drownloade Ms paint from a website that had Other downloads. They were all called crap like KillRAR and Sanic.exe,I downloaded MS paint but instead of ms paint it was MS Pain,  .EXE!!! Nicholas Cage was on the clipboard when i brought it up. but he was hyper-reallistic and skeleman. He then killed me and on my crompootis It was me and Rob and rob said oh no he is coming for you and then you read this and you kill and you were the one who wrote it
Rob's part of the story: the daY dis fucy shiZzZ happenedd me oand my br0 harry were like waway from eahcother so i called him up on my Istone 666 and said, ''EEYYY LETS DRAW SOME INFLATION FETISH FURRY SHIT AND PUT IT ON TO DEVIANTART TO GET FAMOUS. IT WILL TOTES GO WELL WITH MY FANFICTON'' I remembed my beutiful fan fic. Demoman x ron weasly made me so hot to think about them in a bear suit. I mopped up my pants and headed to harry's to chilll and blazre it for 69 hours. We downloaded MS Paint form some weerd @$$ websirte and it eneded up coming out as MS Pain. exe. Nicholers cage showed up on the clipboard hyperrelisticly and all skelemans like and he killed harry. He ripped of harrys sack and beat him in the sphinter with it untill harry lost all his blood hyperrealisticicly and deied. then i saw on the screen that it was me and harry and i said, ''Oh noes, he Is Cumming for you.'' and then you red tHis and you di3d and u rote thiS st0r7.